I love hacks. So should you.

Does AOL really still exist?

That’s sooo 90s. Not judging though.

I’m most definitely a Gmail user. I found a really cool hack just this week even though I’ve been using it for years.

For instance, if your email address is hello@gmail.com, any email that’s addressed to either he.ll.o@gmail.com or hello+world@gmail.com will also be delivered to your main inbox since Gmail ignores dots and anything that’s after the plus symbol in email usernames.

So, theoretically, you can have unlimited email addresses using only one registered Gmail.

Shut the front door!

That’s gold to me since I need multiple email addresses for testing purposes. I used to have to manually set up multiple email accounts. What a PITA!

Ba da bing ba da boom! I’ve just saved myself a ton of time and headache.

What’s my “heavens have opened & angels are singing” moment got anything to do with you?

The point is, young Padawan, that there are always buried treasure hidden right in front of you if you know where to look, even if you don’t know what questions to ask.

Alas, have no fear.

As you traverse your fertility journey, I am here to be your Obi Wan Kenobi. I don’t have all the answers. Nor did Obi Wan. He did get himself killed, after all.

But I can definitely guide you to the light. And keep you away from the Dark Side of giving up too soon.

However, you’ll need to hang on for a bit. I’m in the midst of revamping my online fertility program but all shall be revealed soon…

All my best,

Julie Chang, L.Ac.

Natural Fertility Eggspurt