What’s vital to the success of an IVF?

What’s vital to the success of an IVF?

Having a lot of eggs.


Because at every step of the process you’re going to lose eggs or embryos.

Here’s how IVF works…

  1. Medications are given to stimulate egg production of the ovaries.
  2. Eggs are removed from the ovaries.
  3. Eggs are fertilized with sperm in a petri dish.
  4. Fertilized eggs are allowed to grow into embryos in the lab for up to 5 days.
  5. Embryos might be sent out for genetic testing.
  6. Good embryos are frozen for transfer into the uterus.

At each step of this process, only some will make it to the next step.

So, in general, the more eggs you start with, the higher the chance of success.

But as you get older, egg quality declines which basically means more DNA damage.  Every cell in your body is similarly affected .

Your skin is most visible – more wrinkles, freckles, age spots, less elasticity.  It’s a natural by product of being on this planet longer.

The key to IVF success is understanding the constraints of aging and how best to work with it.

If IVF is still in your cards, I’ll explain how you can use IVF more successfully even if you’re in your 40s or diagnosed with premature ovarian failure.

Join me on my FB Live webinar later this morning at 9am PST, lasting about 15 minutes.  “Like” and “follow” my FB page (@juliechangfertility) to get notified.


All my best,
Julie Chang, L.Ac.
Natural Fertility Eggspurt