What your cluttered mind means when TTC
February 4, 2022
I once stayed at a friend’s place overnight. I had no idea how much of a pack rat she was (and probably still is). There were things, boxes, books stacked up to the ceiling (no joke) with barely any room to sit.
I felt uncomfortable, overwhelmed, weighed down, dirty, and claustrophobic. I wanted to get out of there as quickly as possible. In fact, I made an excuse and checked into a hotel the next day.
Now imagine your MIND cluttered with all the random thoughts you have in your head at any moment in time.
How do you think your spirit baby who is privy to your experiences would feel?
Probably uncomfortable, overwhelmed, weighed down, dirty, and claustrophobic…wanting to get out of there as quickly as possible.
In order to manifest your baby (or anything else you want), you have to create spaciousness in your mind to be able to receive and welcome your baby. Your mind must be a place of rest and peace, not chaotic thought and emotions.
Your baby is a guest in your mind and body and can choose to stay or go. Most babies won’t stay long enough to connect spiritually or physically with you (resulting in a successful pregnancy). It feels too unsafe to them.
For most people, the easiest and fastest way to create that safety and spaciousness is with meditation.
To learn how to meditate AND connect with your spirit baby, go here.
Image: Unsplash/S Migaj